Robert and I are wrapping up meshing our mutual possessions. It has been a slight challenge to meld our different tastes into something that is cohesive and mutually satisfying. For the past several months we have been living in a tentative compromise of piles: this pile *might* be bound for Goodwill, that pile is electronics we don't know what to do with, that pile is laundry, that pile is under another pile and we forget what they both are, etc...
Maybe it was the early spring, maybe it was my hours being cut at work, maybe the piles finally pushed me over the edge, but something got me to decide that we were going to do some painting. If I could just get some color on the walls, it seemed like the piles would be an easy second step to domestic bliss.
Now, I'm not one to spend too much time mulling over a decision once I've made it for myself, and once it's made, I tend to go all out. Case in point, I decided I wanted an unusual red-orange color for one wall, and then I wanted to balance it out with blues on the other wall, and then I wanted to paint a simple mural behind the TV. And I wanted it NoW. I probably spent all of 2 or 3 hours picking out the colors, sketching the mural, and looking at a few websites. Not one to test out my colors, I went whole-heartedly for my whimsy with color selection.
The mid results were some grumbling from Robert (he afterall had not decided to forfeit a weekend to painting, it was thrust upon him by his impulsive wife), general exhaustion for us and general disarray for the house, a diet of take out food, angry cats imprisoned int he bedroom...all in all, more than I exactly bargained for...
However, the end results were fan-tabulous! I couldn't be more pleased with how my whims came together to make a warm and cozy kitchen and dining area:
Note: the funky table cloth was returned to value village because the fringe was just **too** interesting for the kitties.
And on the other end of the room, the color is balanced by two shades of blue. I read in a decorating site that painting the fireplace unit a lighter shade of the same color will really make it stand out.
Plus, the wall behind the TV always looked so barren, I think the art really dresses it up. (imitation is the best compliment right?)
The reds and blues really tie together a lot of our wall art and knickknacks. Plus, I think both colors look nice with our plants. I'm really proud of how our painting project came together and really happy that Rob believed in me when I started talking about a "Poppy red wall..."
Oh and those piles? Vanished into their proper hiding places...
I love the change! You two did a great job. The pictures look wonderful, too.