Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lazy Lady!

So, I haven't been up to speed on my postings. I've been very tired and very busy with wedding planning, Goodwill hunting, kitten scolding, meal prepping, and house cleaning to prepare for the future in-laws.

To tell you the truth, I am beat and not fit to write out a blog. I have stuff to clean and chicken to marinate! Hooooo-doggies, domestic bliss can sure get a girl yawning early on a Saturday night.

My fiance's mother and sister are staying with us for about a week. In order to prepare for their visit, I cleaned and organized our place to the best of my ability. I take a lot of pride in hospitality and I wanted to make sure they both felt comfortable and welcome. We've spent their vacation here by eating out, playing with kittens, walking around Kirkland, and even going to Fremont for the Solstice Parade. It has definitely been a full week. Plus, tomorrow my parents will be coming for a brief visit, and we'll host a family bbq -- hence the marinating and cleaning duties that await me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. You sound busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger!
